GSA/SGS Bursaries

The Graduate Students Association Bursary was established in 1999 by the Graduate Students Association at McMaster University under the McMaster Student Opportunity Fund initiative. The bursary is to be granted to a full or part-time graduate student in one of the following faculties registered under the GSA: Engineering, Health Sciences, Humanities, Science, Social Sciences or Business (excluding MBA). The bursary is awarded on an on-going basis by the School of Graduate Studies on the recommendation of the Graduate Students Association.

The graduate student must demonstrate that the financial support from McMaster is <$24,500 from all sources (employment, TAship & scholarship) for the academic year September to August. Alternatively, individuals experiencing a period of exceptional financial hardship may also apply.

Bursaries are set at a current value of $500. Applications may be submitted at any time. A maximum of 3 bursaries will be awarded each academic year. Please note that graduate students are only eligible to receive one GSA bursary per academic year.

Successful applicants will be notified via email within one month of submitting the bursary application. Please contact with any questions or comments regarding the GSA/SGS Bursary application.

Visit Student Financial Aid » for more information.

GSA Del Pereira Bursary 

The Graduate Students Association Del Pereira Bursary was established in 2014 through a generous donation from Studentcare.  The bursary is to be granted to a full or part-time graduate student in one of the following faculties registered under the GSA: Engineering, Health Sciences, Humanities, Science, Social Sciences or Business (excluding MBA). The bursary is awarded on an on-going basis by the McMaster GSA.

The graduate student must demonstrate that the financial support from McMaster is <$24,500 from all sources (employment, TAship & scholarship) for the academic year September to August. Alternatively, individuals experiencing a period of exceptional financial hardship may also apply.

Bursaries are set at a current value of $125. Applications may be submitted at any time. A maximum of 8 bursaries will be awarded each academic year. Please note that graduate students are only eligible to receive one GSA bursary per academic year.

Successful applicants will be notified via email within one month of submitting the bursary application. Please contact with any questions or comments regarding the GSA Del Pereira Bursary application.

The  Bursary application is available on Mosaic. Find the application on Mosaic by clicking the “Student Centre” link and then select “Apply for Financial Aid”. Students who have not applied to OSAP are asked to complete a budget online and submit supporting documents to SFAS.